November 3, 2010

State of Environment in India

We have the most concerned Minister of State for Environment in the country. He truly cares for the environment unlike most of his predecessors. He is so concerned for the Elephants that get killed by trains at night that he couldn't sleep for many nights subsequently. Soon, he came up with the bright idea that trains ought to be stopped at nights, so as to allow elephants freedom to walk around:-). Its another matter that its his very ministry, under his able guidance, that has been sitting on the file about the Elephant corridor in West Bengal!!

Today, our man is most furious with Harry Potter fans!! Incredulous, you say? Well, its true. He has got hold of a report of the dwindling population of owl species and some smart Alec has proposed that Harry Potter fans are buying the owls from illegal traders!! Now, how many people can buy and house owls at home? Can our Minister show some more concern to real issues that such news hogging stories?

What about alarming pesticide levels in vegetables, H'ble Minsiter? A recent TOI report says there is alarming level of pesticides in most vegetables. And what does he do about it? He promotes it further by stalling the release of Bt brinjal. Brinjal, incidentally attracts maximum pesticide use and farmers spray indiscriminately to reduce pest damage. Bt brinjal consumption is probably much more safe than the pesticide ridden non Bt brinjal:) 

And what about the environmental clearances, rather rejections our Minsiter so loves? He says no to something one day and after a few months reverses his stand. Or he says yes to something and years later, stops it because his party now has other plans for the tribals of Orissa.

I am not surprised by a report that he is apparently the most hated man in his own party and also outside. I wonder what the Environment thinks of him, though:)

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