November 19, 2010

Reality Shows - what a misnomer

I guess we have been having reality shows on TV for some years now. Being a very rare TV watcher and a conservative one too, these shows have never caught my fancy. All I knew about them was what I read in the papers. It did surprise me that reality shows make headlines on the internet and the newspapers. And that was that.

But I happened to see the current Big Boss 4 on Colors Channel and and I must say that it is far from reality. I wonder whoever thought of calling these "Reality Shows". Its so cut off from "Reality", I wonder what will they call a programme on state of agriculture, or a programme that talks about urban - rural disparity, etc..

Its downright boring too!!! How can it interest anyone what some bunch of wannabe or failed actors do when they get holed up for 2 months in one house! The conversation was so boring and totally arbitrary. It was so bad that even the most boring film clip would be more entertaining. I wonder if people really enjoy these, it perplexes me. But judging by the number of advertisements, I guess I belong to a very small minority.

I was so glad when the government decided to pull this show up for adult content and move it to beyond 11 pm. But, my joy was shortlived. The advertisers moved court and obtained a stay on the government ruling! That brings up the other issue. If the Courts are so Supreme (pun intended), why don't they govern the country, why do we have politicians and bureaucracy? 

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